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Brachial Plexus Surgery


The brachial plexus can be injured in many different ways — from pressure, stress or being stretched too far due to fall or  road traffic accident. The nerves may also be cut or damaged by cancer or radiation treatment. Sometimes, brachial plexus injuries happen to babies during birth.


  • Numbness or loss of feeling in the hand or arm.
  • Inability to control or move the shoulder, arm, wrist or hand.
  • An arm that hangs limply.
  • Burning, stinging or severe and sudden pain in the shoulder or arm.


Brachial plexus injuries that fail to heal on their own may require surgery to repair the damage. Nerve tissue grows and heals slowly, so it can take months to years to see the results of brachial plexus surgery. Brachial plexus surgeries should take place within six months of injury for the best chance at recovery.


MRI Scan. Your doctor may recommend an MRI scan, which uses magnetic fields to take three-dimensional images of soft tissues inside the body. Detailed images of the brachial plexus can help your doctor identify the cause of your symptoms.